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Your Social Media Checklist

You know that have a presence on social media is critical to getting your message out to your audience. With so many platforms and channels, each with their specific pros and cons, each with different parameters and specifications, each with its own voice and identity, it is easy to get overwhelmed and frustrated.

To settle your soul and lower your stress levels take a look a the social media best practices below. We took the time to do the research for you, so that you don't have to. This is a one stop shop for all your social media specs. Be sure to bookmark this post so that you can refer back to it as often as needed..

Though there is a lot about social media channels that does constantly change, the silver lining is that the basic visual parameters and posting guidelines for e-newsletters, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, Pinterest, Google+ and LinkedIn typically do not.

Take a moment to look through my checklist below and do a self-audit. Do your social efforts meet these guidelines? Or are you way off? If you need help with your assessment or managing your multiple feeds, PIVOT can help. Just reach out!

I hope you find this as useful as I did while curating for you!

Email/Newsletters • Ideal length of an email or article headline – 6 words, or under 50 characters • Best day to send: Friday to businesses, Sunday to consumers • Best time of day to send: 11am to business, 8pm to consumers • Best schedule: Monthly

Blog • Best length of an article headline: 6 words, or under 50 characters • Minimum article/blog post for SEO: 300 words • Ideal length for SEO: 1,600 words • Keywords: include in title, first sentence and 1-2 times more in text • Best practice: include image in every post, keyword in image name and alt text

Facebook • Best post length: 40 characters or less • Best practice: every post should have an image • Best subject mix: 70% brand-building, 20% sharing, 10% sales-oriented posts • Best Facebook “question” post length: 100-120 characters • Best time to post to consumers: 8pm • How often to post: once a day, 7 days a week

Google+ • Maximum size headline – 60 characters • Best post length: 440 characters • Best practice: every post should have an image • Note: Google seems to be giving up on Google+ but you should still create and update your G+ page as part of your Google My Business (GMB) account to help with SEO.

LinkedIn • Best Practices: Create both a personal page and a company page for you and your company.

-Post to LinkedIn at least once per week.

Twitter • Ideal length of a tweet – 70-100 characters

YouTube • Best length for a video: 3-3.5 minutes • Ideal length of a talk or presentation: 18 minutes • Best file format: 16×9 ratio (1080p: 1920×1080 or 720p: 1280×720) mpeg4 or wmv, 30 FPS, mp3 sound

I hope that this has been as helpful for you as it was for me in putting it together. Stay tuned for my next post updating you on the optimal image sizes for all your social media platforms.


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